Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Well, it's day 8 of the big snow and more is coming down this morning with more to come. I was able to get out twice in the past two days to finish up shopping and stocking stuffers so were all ready.

The plan is to go to my Mom's tonight for dinner. It's only about 3 miles but unfortunately it's all hills, but with the jeeps 4 wheel drive it shouldn't be a problem. Tomorrow we plan on driving down to Lacey to Jay's folks about an hour south of here where the snow is deeper and they're house is in a rural area that most likely won't be plowed. We'll have to see how that goes and if we can get there.

Lolli's with us. Jay was able to get down to her house and get her last week. So our little family is complete.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, doing exactly what you want to do. Thank you for sharing the gift of your time and thoughts with me over this last year. I treasure your friendship.



Jay said...

Have a great Christmas!

And be careful driving in the snow and ice.

fiwa said...

Happy Christmas to you, Jay and Lolli! I hope you make it to all the relatives houses ok. Be careful and have a wonderful day.

I treasure you too - I'm so thankful for your friendship.

love you -

Scarlet said...

Hills AND snow? I'm so jealous!!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Brad! And careful out there!

Summer said...

Love you too.

HappyK said...

After some really cold days here the temperature today was 50!!
A very Merry Christmas to you and your family. Have a wonderful day.

Gin said...

Have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas Brad.

I have two words for you

"DOWN SHIFT"!!!! (And be very careful on those roads!)

Hugs and love...

meno said...

Hey Brad, have a great Christmas ane please stay safe with all this white stuff.

Leann said...

Happy Holidays to you all!! Be safe and enjoy each other.

Mama Llama said...

Merry, Merry Christmas to you, Brad!!

Be well.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Merry Christmas to you, Brad, and your little family. Keep warm and stay safe. xxoo

susi said...

Very Merry Christmas Brad
and take care in the snow!

Jenny said...

Merry Christmas!!!

It's snowing. Again.

Moohaa said...

It finally stopped snowing. Thank God. We're up to a good 2 ft here. Unbelievable. It's Alex's first truly white Christmas. It's been a quiet, relaxing day.


Jamie said...

You are just so eloquent...

and quite adorable, too.

Hope your holiday was wonderful.



zirelda said...

Merry Christmas Brad. I hope your holiday was absolutely wonderful.

Cheryl said...

Was your Christmas wonderful? Snowed in with your favorite people? All warm with the new heater? Did Jay love your toys? Did you get a camera? Am I helping with ideas for your next post? Yes, I'm drinking coffee.

desert dirt diva said...

I'm sorry i'm late to tell you merry christmas.....and thanks for being my friend as well!hope you had a great day!

Unknown said...

Good stuff. Hope the holidays were good to you.