Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To Anti-Gay Bigots Everywhere...

I'm over the top on this video. I've probably watched it a hundred times. If I have your email address I've already sent it to you. I've gone viral on it. It's just such a pure fun, silly, childish reaction. But it sums up my feelings perfecly.


Smocha said...

Ah, the perfect song for today:)

Donna. W said...

That left me with a big, big smile.

KathyA said...

Ah Geez!!! Guess what song I can't get out of my head now!!!?? :)

tt said...

{{{clapping hands wildly}}}
love it!I'll have ot get my sunshine gal over here to see this...she'll love it too.
You're the bomb!
hugs and loves :)

Jay said...

I love Lilly Allen. Really. Lots and lots.

Did you see the quote from Joe the Plumber? In an interview with a "Christian" website he said he doesn't let "Queers" (His word. No really! He used "Queers.") near his kids.

That's just so pathetic.

Leann said...

Love, love, love the video!! It's a catchy tune :-)

Cheryl said...

Loved it :))

Scarlet said...

How funky and fun! :)

Golden To Silver Val said...

How many times I'd "thought it" but haven't said it. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I try to class it up a bit and think "phuque you" .... surprisingly it does put such a smile on your face. (nothing is so unnerving as to walk around with a smile on your face nowadays)
Keep smilin', xxoo

Jenny said...


Summer said...

I think I'll be singing that all day tomorrow. Love it.

SOUL said...

perfect-- for all occasions.
i need to make some cd's of that and get them in the mail ASAP
just kidding... ok, maybe 1 or 2.

hope you have a happy sunday-- my condolences to jay. sorry.


Unknown said...

I din't get it in my email. I'm at work and can't see. Hopefully I can watch it when I get home.

MommiCombs said...

Yay! That's my fave Lily Allen song! She rocks! And I love you!