Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cuz you all love goats right?

Sorry - I should write a real post but we've been up all night playing goat midwife. I'll be back soon to catch you up on the last month or so. We're all good here. Bess delivered two healthy little does this morning. Jay helped a bit with getting front legs lined up but Bess did the rest. Jay wanted a little buck for company for Mr. Deeds but two live does has him wagging his tail pretty good. (Right up until he crashed a few minutes ago) Ok. I'm rambling - Here's are Bess's girls, Summer and La De Da.


Golden To Silver Val said...

Aren't they the cutest little things ever?? I love the names and so will Cheryl and SUMMER!! sure do have a lot of 'splainin' to do. You REALLY need to catch us all up on stuff. I've had Brad, Bear, Miss Lilly withdrawals for a while now. Big hugs. xxoo

Smocha said...

awwww!!! they're sooooo sweet!

And ditto what she said:)

KathyA said...

Shared these with the baby. She loved them!!

Cheryl said...

Summer and La De Da? I love those names!

Summer said...

I'm just crazy about the names. I just yelled across the living room to the Warden. He thought it was great!

meno said...

Makes me want a kid! Sooooo cute.

HappyK said...

Oh how cute!!
Great choice on the names! :-)

Hope4Grace said...

Darling, I'm back from the land of insanity!!!

And I must say, what adorable babies!

So I did give up some info...come read me some, oh and I'm working on a new template so I'll actually be google reader compatible, although I'm a little uncomfortable being compatible with anything, goes against my nature

Donna. W said...

There's nothing cuter than a baby goat. There's nothing more frustrating than an adult goat.

bonnie said...

now I DO love goats. They do grow up to be one of the more unattractive species. Beauty must be in the eye of the beholder.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, they are so cute.

Jenny said...

tooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grit said...

those are VERY CUTE GOATS! xx

Minnie said...

Aww! They're so beautiful:o)

Congratulations. xx

Leann said...

They are so little!! Cute as a button. Love the namems...especially La De Da.

SOUL said...

oh they're so cute!
i'm crushed you didn't name one soul. :))
just kiddin.

when are you gonna get a fainting goat? i love those things. i crack up every time i see em.

how ya been bud? and where are you?
i'm back-- jamies' back-- now you have to come back too.
miss you

Moohaa said...

I see a Moohaa in your goaty future! :) I love them. They are so stinkin sweet lookin!

Scarlet said...

Are these not the most adorable photos or what?? Wow! Thanks for sharing. Missed you.

Jamie said...

Missing my Brad wit and charm. Just sayin'.


Jenny said...


Smocha said...

Update hawg!!

Love me :)

Real Live Lesbian said...

They're ADORABLE! More pics!

SOUL said...

come out come out wherever you are--
(are you alright?)