Thursday, November 20, 2008

Me Again...

Happy One just pointed out to me that you could find the new blog from the old by veiwing my profile there. I've removed it but if anyone knows any ways that people might find the new blog from the old please let me know. I'm trying to cover my tracks here - Grrr - This sucks.


Real Live Lesbian said...

Hey Sweets! Whatever your reasons, doesn't matter...I'll follow!

Jenny said...

Sorry you had to move, but thanks for letting me find you!

Jay said...

Yo! Sup?

Just be sure not to mention the old blog by name or use any labels with the old blog's name. People could find this one by searching for the old one that way.

Mon said...

Found you...

Moohaa said...

Thanks Friend. I hope the lurker desists. I wondered if that was what this was about. Big hugs friend.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Read my email.

tt said...

found you thru Ginni's blog. 'Geeze...I thought I'd lost you...
sucks to move but...sometimes it's best right?

zirelda said...

Here. Present. Accounted for.

your old blog is still listed under your profile. :(

SOUL said...

you had a stalker?
new place looks good though. :))
sorry i haven't been around much-- i'll get back on track soon... well eventually.
happy thursday!

SOUL said...

ps-- i was about to change the link on my page to your page -- when i clicked on your picture on following -- it took me to your old blog. just lettin ya know.

Gin said...

Love your new "look"!! And you have to tell us the meaning of the new name!!

Hugs hon

Gin said...

P.S. Brad, you can find someone if you know what other blogs they frequent. Maybe you need to make your blog "by invitation only"? Isn't that what Fiwa did?

Summer said...

I know exactly what you're feeling. It is so juvenile and stupid it makes me want to scream. But, block your profile like I did and hang in there. Love you. Mean it. Do what you have to do.